James Watson LinkedIn Marketing Expert

[CASE STUDY] The 3 Keys To A Successful LinkedIn Outreach Campaign

5th March 2020 – Bournemouth, UK

Had a great call with a business coach client of mine recently.

We've been running a LinkedIn messaging outreach campaign for him this month and he told me he now has 4 rock-solid opportunities each one with his ideal target business owners.

Even better, a signed agreement from one of these prospects came through by email in realtime during our call. Typically he works with clients for years, so the value of each opportunity is substantial.

What's interesting about these opportunities is that they were not brand new leads into his network. In fact they first connected with him last year.

There were 3 keys to the success of this campaign. Briefly, they are:

1) He reached out systematically (to clarify, our team did this for him) to 600 of his ideal prospects who hadn't previously engaged with him beyond having connected. That's an ideal prospect list size.

2) We sent a message sharing a relevant case study my business coach client had achieved with a similar business in the same area. This demonstrates what you do – as well as the results you've actually achieved – in just 3 short sentences.

The lesson is this… don't waste people's time with long messages on LinkedIn. Get direct and to the point, but in an interesting and relevant way.

3) He does a geat job of posting relevant, engaging content on his LinkedIn profile. Not big long articles with dry information or just recycling other people's work.

One of his prospects told him ‘you have a real knack of writing about exactly the kinds of challenges I face and situations I have to deal with on a daily basis'.

What's more he went on… not only does this prospect follow him regularly on LinkedIn, but his wife now does too as well.

Here's the thing, my client would never know because the prospect had never engaged with the content, not even a like.

The lesson is this, far more people ‘lurk' on LinkedIn (same with all social networks) than actually post or actively engage. It doesn't mean that your content doesn't get seen or make an impact.

The trust that his posting had built up made it significantly easier for the prospect to feel comfortable in entering a long-term business coaching arrangement with him.


P.S: If you'd like help in leveraging LinkedIn to reach out to your ideal prospects on a regular basis, contact me and tell me a bit about yourself and your situation.

P.P.S: Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business:

#1 Request A Copy Of My ‘private’ Slidedeck PDF From A Recent Live Presentation

Ask for a copy of a private Slidedeck PDF from a recent presentation of mine called ‘The 5-Step System For Generating 10-20+ New B2B Sales Opportunities Per Month Without Ad Spend via LinkedIn’. To get your copy (at no cost) contact me and put ‘Slidedeck PDF’ in the message subject line.

#2 Watch A Real-world Case Study Video That Shows Exactly How I Get My Clients Results On LinkedIn

Watch a real-world case study video of the exact workflow I follow and actual results my clients have achieved with my LinkedIn managed outreach campaigns. Go to https://www.moreresults.co  

#3 Claim A Complimentary 20m 1:1 ‘Ask James’ Consultation Call 

Have a question on your mind about LinkedIn, or how to grow your business steadily and consistently in the months and years ahead? Claim a complimentary ‘ask James’ 1:1 consultation call with me. You have full permission to pick my brains and steal my best ideas. To access my private booking calendar go to https://meetjameswatson.com

#4 Join My New ‘LinkedIn Fast-Track’ Pilot Program For Tech-related Business Owners And Consultants

I’m starting a new pilot program soon for service business owners and coaches/consultants that will generate 10-15 qualified sales opportunities per month on LinkedIn without spending anything on advertising. If you’d like to know more just contact me putting ‘Pilot Program’ in the message subject line and I’ll send you more details. 

N.B. Feel free to connect with me on: 

LinkedIn – Facebook – Twitter – YouTube 

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